Month: August 2008

  • Working with Regular Expressions in C#

    I’ve been working on a program that needs to parse a html file for form data.  So when I was deciding what method to use, a few popped right into my mind. The first being a character by character search through the string.  Parsing through the data and flagging sections that fit the signature of…

  • Esprit Macro With .NET

    Edit: I’m having some issues with a second tutorial, so at this point I don’t think this process below is correct.  2nd Edit:  This code should work fine, the issue was when I started using COM objects from Esprit.  There are a few gotchas that need to be taken care of.  I think the primary…

  • Working With the XML DOM

    I’ve been working with server side scripts that rely on xml files to define the structure of the site.  It seems quite fast compared to using a database and also makes direct changes to the structure easy.  My post here is about how to use the DOM in VBSCRIPT/ASP.  Some aspects of how the DOM…

  • Site Revamp Details

    Here is a screen shot of the old site.  It served me well for the two years or so that I had it running on  The great thing about blogging is that I can save bits of important information in one place that I can later come back and utilize. The secondary benefit is…