I noticed that this post has been sitting as a draft since 2011. At this point I have no idea if it’s useful or what I was even doing, but I might as well make it public in case someone can find it helpful!
So I’ve been trying to get one of those PDF print drivers working in WINE without success. I then came upon a process that might work. When printing you need to select the checkbox “Print to file” that creates a .prn file.
I was using a program that only has printing facilities, but I want to export around 100 pages of text and images.
Once you have the .prn (postscript) file, you can do any number of things to it.
In my case I want the postscript file to be converted to HTML. I am also considering PDF format because that has more conversion options to eventually get me to HTML or plain text.
sudo apt-get install cups-pdfOr it looks like that package might have changed to this…
sudo apt-get install printer-driver-cups-pdfWhere PDFs would be generated in /home/[user]/PDF.
- GSView ( http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost/gsview/ ) which was moved to https://www.ghostscript.com/
- “Document Viewer” pre-installed in Ubuntu Linux. Only good for viewing or printing.
- ps2pdf that should be available in Ubuntu Linux as well. ps2pdf should be part of the ‘ghostscript’ package
A sample command for ps2pdf would look like:
ps2pdf in.ps out.pdfOnce I had a PDF created, I can use something like the open source project called PDFTOHTML: http://pdftohtml.sourceforge.net/
If the print to file isn’t working for you, try running this command:
sudo cp /usr/share/wine/generic.ppd /usr/share/cups/model/generic.ppdThat should copy over the WINE print driver for the cups printing system.
Again, I don’t know if this works but at least it could potentially help direct someone toward a solution.